Carbohydrates are portrayed as ‘the bad guys’ in the fitness industry when losing fat. But people under estimate how important they are. To lose fat you have to eat the right carbs also known as ‘good carbs’.
Good carbs are known as complex carbohydrates are the body’s main energy source. They are high in fibre and are digested slowly, providing slow release energy into the body. Complex carbs come from sources such as: Sweet potatoes, brown rice, wholegrain pasta, porridge beans and vegetables.
Carbs are the building blocks for refuelling your body and you should be feeding it right with these slow-burning foods. Following an overnight fast of not eating for hours, your body needs to be restored in blood-sugar and muscle-glycogen, listed above are the essentials.
Bad carbs are known as simple carbohydrates and should be consumed in moderation or very rarely. Simple carbs on the other hand are refined with sugar and aren’t good for you.
They are very high in sugars and can raise glucose levels very quickly. This can cause a spike in energy levels too fast which isn’t sustained and can leave you depleted and fatigued. Examples of simple carbs include: fizzy drinks, cakes, sweets, white bread and pasta and cereals (basically anything that makes your mouth water).
Always allow yourself to treat every now and again, but primarily stick to the good carbs for a healthier body and better lifestyle. So you can cut down on the bad carbs but be careful not to cut out carbs altogether as the complex variety provide an important energy source as well as fibre to help with the digestive system.
So remember – not all carbs are the enemy!