In honour of International Women’s Day here is a shout out to our amazing She-ra’s!
Whether you’re a teen who loves a night out with her girls, a career driven boss who is smashing her goals or a super mum holding down the fort at home you are all incredible. Never, ever forget that.
It’s ok if you spent all day at home, didn’t get out of your comfy’s and binge watched a whole series of your latest fave show.
It’s ok if you are due on and you smashed the whole emergency chocolate bar you had hiding at the back of the fridge.
It’s ok if you put laundry in the washing machine and three days later it is still there.
It’s ok if you are on the third day in a row of dry shampoo.

And…it is most definitely ok if you need to take five minutes out to re-group, have a cry and feel sorry for yourself.
There is no shame, we are all the same. Remember to stay strong, keep working towards and fighting for what you deserve and continue to uplift, support and inspire every other bad-ass woman out there.
We all have set backs, down days and irrational mood swings. Its how you deal with these that matters the most.
Get up, Dress up, Show up and Never give up!