Ok, so let’s dispel that age old rumour – lifting makes women massive! Ladies, this is simply not true.
To become “massive” or bulky you would need to be taking high levels of testosterone – this is the hormone that enables us to build muscle– something which women lack in but men have it in ample supply. So unless you are supplementing testosterone, you are really going to struggle to bulk up like the hulk. You would also need to be lifting really heavy weights.
Reasons to lift:
1. Weight lifting improves bone density and strength. This helps muscles develop and grow around the bone – helping to reduce injuries and breakages.
2. Lifting weights can help you shed weight and have that much desired toned appearance. You don’t need to lift heavy to get fabulous toning results. Lifting can drastically improve the appearance of your arms, legs, glutes and core. Something that cardio alone cannot do.
3. Becoming physically stronger helps you mentally. Lifting weights gives you focus, improves energy levels, achieves results quickly and helps improve sleep. So, it helps all round both physically and mentally.
4. Burns fat – when you lift weights you are actually building your muscles stronger. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn just performing simple everyday tasks. Hypertrophy, or weight-bearing exercises, helps improve metabolism. This means that calories are burned even during resting periods.
So Ladies, get off that treadmill and pick up those dumbbells – and if you want any advice about starting to work out with weights, we are here to talk you through everything you need to know.